Fairview, TX


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Use a capital letter in the citation number.

DO NOT PAY YOUR CITATION ONLINE IF YOU WISH TO Request a Driver Safety Course or Deferred Disposition. Please contact the court for more information before paying .

If you have DEFAULTED on your DEFERRED DISPOSITION (probation) or your DRIVER SAFETY COURSE order, paying the balance without appearing for a show cause hearing is considered a waiver of your right to appear before the Judge and may result in a conviction on your record.

NOTICE: By paying your ticket online, you will be entering a Nolo Contenre plea and waiving your rights to a jury trial.  Your violation will be recorded as a conviction and reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety.

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Use a capital letter in the citation number.

DO NOT PAY YOUR CITATION ONLINE IF YOU WISH TO Request a Driver Safety Course or Deferred Disposition. Please contact the court for more information before paying .

If you have DEFAULTED on your DEFERRED DISPOSITION (probation) or your DRIVER SAFETY COURSE order, paying the balance without appearing for a show cause hearing is considered a waiver of your right to appear before the Judge and may result in a conviction on your record.

NOTICE: By paying your ticket online, you will be entering a Nolo Contenre plea and waiving your rights to a jury trial.  Your violation will be recorded as a conviction and reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety.